Saturday, May 30, 2009
  Reverse Dodge Ball
No matter how you look at it, the business analyst’s role is to be in the center. I sometimes describe the business analyst’s role as that of a reverse dodge ball game. When I was in grade school a common recess pastime was the game of dodge ball. Some kids would be chosen as “it” and stand in the middle of a circle. Those around the outside of the circle threw a soft red ball about the size of a small soccer ball at those in the center. If you were hit by the ball, you left the center and joined the outside circle, and the one who threw the ball got to go into the center. The object was to avoid being hit by the ball and stay in the middle longer than anyone else. Being a nerd and evaluating the logic of the game, I figured it made no sense to be in the middle where kids were throwing balls at me and purposefully trying to hit me, so when I was chosen to be in the middle I’d stick my hand out to get hit and join the outside circle where I got to throw the ball at others.

And that is the business analyst: stuck in the middle, catching the slings and arrows of outrageous business fortune along with the balls thrown in all directions from all participants of a problem solving effort. The business analyst cannot duck or leave the center. And when the blame throwing starts what better target than the business analyst? Both sides can blame the business analyst instead of each other. It’s not an easy job.
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